Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)
Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)
Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)
Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)
Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)
Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)

Children of the discordance TUFA BUCKLE HANDSTAMPD BELT (BEIGE)

Regular price ¥37,400
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

color: BEIGE

size: ONE

material: Cow Leather100%

牛革の表面(銀面)に職人が手作業で何度もワックスを塗り重ねることで濃淡を生み出した貴重なUK MADEのレザーを使用し、あえてアメリカン・ウエスタンカルチャー漂うトゥファバックルを使用したベルト。表面の仕上げには職人により1点1点手作業でスタンプの型押しがなされた、手の込んだ作品。

【Children of the discordance】
デザイナーはHideaki Shikama。