Size: 240X 290mm
256 Pages
A collection of works of David Spello, a British photographer. How should we live on this earth? Is it really enriched that we are living in an environment that affects health and living? In this world, which is becoming increasingly spending time on physical consumption, he has been driven by the right to open up nature unlimitedly, and his questions are becoming more serious. In order to work on the problems and dilemma mentioned earlier, it is a photo book that pursues a way of life with less load while touching the ground in the UK, and records a small number of communities and individuals living quietly with their own hands. be. This series, which was filmed between 2004 and 2015, shows its development, evolution, and development through its own houses, infrastructure facilities, and community people. Along with the introductory texts written by the people living there, writers have written a historical and touching problem facing the present age. At the same time, this book suggests that it is the mainstream of the world, proposes another way of life for the future, and shows a way of life that stimulates our creativity.
The drawing that appears when the cover is removed is a work by Gill Barron, an Egyptian artist who lives in a small community in the UK and lives.