SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill
SYLVIA by Angela Hill

SYLVIA by Angela Hill

Regular price ¥12,100
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Size: 225X 265mm


144 Pages

A collection of works by Angela Hill, a British photographer and one of the founders of the London -based publisher and bookstore "IDEA". This is a book that recorded the process of a girl named Sylvia Mann growing from a child to a young woman. It is a work that pursues simplicity, featuring a photographer, Sylvia Man and Angela Hill. This photo was taken from the late 1990s to the early 2000s as fashion photos such as the fashion and culture magazine "EXIT", "Purple", and "Dazed", but even if you look at this work, the fashion is first. It doesn't float. When the author first met Sylvia, she was only 11 years old. This book records until she turns 18, and the result is a documentary photo, which shows one world view.

The book is listed by the author's friend Nadia Lee Cohen, a British photographer.

"Angela Hill doesn't look punk, but he takes a picture like a punk. Her shooting team does not exist, no makeup, lighting, styling, no normal tools. Angela is just a camera. Perhaps they appear, wear a hat, wear jeans, and hang something on Hermes on their shoulders. Probably also have a large amount of films and tea bags in a plastic bag of weight rose (UK supermarket). It would be (I don't know if this is true). Anyway, I want to say that Angela Hill is not very planned, so this is like a mysterious fairy. , It's enviable forever. "

Sylvia himself has attractive properties in both appearance and behavior.

In this work, you can hear the author delicately go back and forth between fashion and documentary photos. Includes photos taken at Sylvia's childhood house and stills of her bedrooms, and the lighting and color pallets are Silvia himself. She grew up here.

"When I first met Sylvia, she was talking with her mother with Pooh Sticks (Pooh Sticks / Note). When I came to take the last photo of this series. She was a cool female college student with multiple piercings on the mowing. In her 10s, she starts as a child and eventually ends as a woman who can give birth to a child. "-Angela Hill

Note: A play using a stick cut by the protagonist, Pooh, who appears in the sequel "Pooh Yokocho's House" of the children's novel "Pooh Pooh" by British writer A.A. Milne. A game where multiple people stand on the bridge, throw twigs from the top of the river all at once, and win the person whose branches have appeared first on the other side of the bridge (down the river).

* Here, some scratches and dirt can be seen due to transportation.

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